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  • Writer's pictureOlivia F.

Florida, Answered Prayer, & 2^33

Updated: Nov 21, 2020

So many of my greatest memories and my most refreshing weeks have been spent in Florida. Every October, with the exception of one, has included a trip to either Siesta Key or Fort Myers to spend with grandparents and family. Including a trip to Gulf Shores, Alabama on the year I missed Florida, I've had a 20 year streak with the Gulf :D Since Florida feels like a bit of a second home at this point, I'll share a few of our favorites, plus some incredible things I learned and experienced this year!

Siesta Key, Florida

Naturally the best part of Siesta Key is the white sand and sunny days spent by the ocean. But if you are in Siesta Key, there's a few restaurants you don't want to miss...believe me, these are tried and true by 40 years of grandparent taste testing!

1. Captain Curts (below left): truly the best clam chowder I've ever tasted. Every restaurant claims it ("best chowder in the keys" "best chowder in Florida" "won the worldwide chowder competition"...all at different restaurants?!) but Captain Curts definitely takes the cake.

2. Phillippi Creek (above right): when in season, prawns (basically giant shrimp) with drawn butter are a taste of heaven

3. Daiquiri Deck: this is a new favorite with really great seafood, sandwiches, and tons of options! The seafood Mac and cheese or pastas are really good! Also a great place for a salad if you need a break from the heavy vacation food.

4. Casey Key Fish House: a recommendation from some of our friends who also have a family tradition at Siesta Key. The pan-seared Almond Snapper was DELICIOUS. And the old world Florida feel is super fun!

5. Orange Octopus: top off any meal with ice cream at the Orange Octopus...they make it from scratch!

Answered Prayers

Two big answered prayers on this trip were too cool not to share! The first one actually happened on the plane. The night before my flight I got in a conversation with someone about witnessing to people on planes. That got me thinking and I started praying that if there was anyone on the flight who needed to hear the gospel and was ready, that they would sit next to me AND that the conversation could come up naturally, because I easily become fearful and don't say anything. Plus it doesn't feel very effective to force it anyway. Without going into too many details, I was blown away because I got talking to the amazing woman next to me, and the conversation started heading that direction. I eventually shared what I believed and mentioned I had Roman's Road in the back of the Bible in my backpack and asked if she'd like me to go through it with her. She said yes!! We had an awesome conversation and a seed was planted. I'm so encouraged by my incredible God! I'm trying to get better at expecting the unexpected, because He sure does answer prayer.

The second one is a little more lighthearted, but no less exciting! We decided we wanted to rent kayaks some morning and were hoping we would get lucky and see dolphins. We scheduled our rentals for Tuesday and prayed for dolphins. When we arrived at the beach Tuesday morning, our rental guy didn't show (we found out later he had a hangover...). So we had to reschedule for Wednesday morning. You probably see where this is going. Wednesday morning we show up and there are 5 DOLPHINS! They were as close to the beach as I've ever seen them and the rental guy told us this happens about once a year!!! We chased them around for about 40 minutes...they weren't scared of the kayak or anything. I literally thought I was in heaven, I was so excited. My sister and I were told our squeals could be heard from the beach...oops ;) We joked that God works all things together for good--even hangovers! But seriously, this is one of my new favorite memories OF ALL TIME. Doesn't hurt that dolphins are my favorite animal!


This is probably the subtitle that has everyone wondering. Not to click-bate ya, but I did that on purpose! One of our favorite parts of Florida is that we buy a bunch of pastries and fun breakfasts that we don't get to eat at home and spend every morning eating breakfast outside on the deck. Overlooking palm trees with coffee, apple cider, and pastries is a pretty nice way to start the day.

Anyway, during this time we tend to have some of our best discussions and always end with a bit of a devotional. Something my grandpa said during this time just really hit home for me and has been impacting my mindset in some huge ways lately.

Do you ever get overwhelmed and feel like there's no way little you could make an impact? You wonder whose lives you're really feeding into and wish you could save everybody, but know only God save anybody? Maybe it's just me haha but hang in there cause I'm finna tell ya how to change the world.

If every year, you poured your life into one person and equipped them to do the same, and the following year you each poured your life into one person, who got saved and was equipped to do the same, and this cycle continued, do you know how many years it would take to reach the entire world??

The number of years of Jesus' life on earth: 34 years (we don't know exactly but most scholars and history points to this being between 32 and 34 years). Do the math. 2^33. With the current world population, it works! Y'ALL.

When I remember that Jesus' primary earthly ministry was to 12 disciples whom He equipped to carry the gospel to the world after His death and resurrection, I am so encouraged. The whole bible points to discipleship as the means God set up for spiritual growth and vitality in the church. And we are to be on both the teaching and learning ends of this spectrum.

Who are your 12? Who is your one? Whose life can you pour into this year?

How to change the world? One life at a time.

til next time,


PS: If the concept of 2^33 impacted you, please share this or send it to someone who has poured into your life along with a thank you! Let's start a revolution! :D

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