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Loneliness is an epidemic. I believe hospitality is a cure. 

1 Peter 4:8-9 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.


I designed these shirts to serve as a welcome to others and a reminder to myself to live with a "mi casa su casa" mindset. Everything I have is ultimately a gift from God, entrusted to me for a season. It's meant to be stewarded and shared. I am a deep believer in the power of hospitality. "Make yourself at home" are some of my favorite words. The truth is, some words just won't be shared in class or at work. It often takes an invitation into someone's life for the good conversations to happen.


Hospitality doesn't have to look like a 5-course meal, a perfectly planned itinerary, or even a physical house. It might be a simple cup of coffee on the couch. But I long to see this spring forth in my generation, as I believe we are starving for real, human interaction. I wrote a blog post during my last campaign that dives into my heartbeat behind hospitality. I'd love for you to check it out here & join me in wearing & declaring this message! The campaign was live in October 2021, but you have the power to relaunch it anytime through your purchase. For more info, head to the blog post.

Keep scrolling for previous designs:)

wear & declare

wear & declare

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I am on a mission to create content that generates meaningful conversation. WEAR & DECLARE. Not only is each product a quality design I want to wear myself, but each one is intentionally crafted with a purposeful message. As an interior designer, I believe I was designed to design and want to share the creativity of the Creator with the world. Further, as a Christian student on a secular campus, I am excited to see the gospel spread! Please join me in this journey! Tap "Shop Now" to explore the full collection & read up on the heartbeat behind the designs below and on the linked blog posts.

John 3:30—He must increase but I must decrease. This is the heart of the result of the gospel. We become ambassadors for Christ.

make yourself at home—In a world that's starving for personal interaction, I want both my home and my life to be an open invite that welcomes others in.

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