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  • Writer's pictureOlivia F.

2020 Room Tour (College Edition)

It seems to me like life is finally unfreezing...I am back at school and busy as ever! I must admit exams have me wishing for the "boring" quarantine days again ;) Of course I'm kidding, but I honestly did enjoy the slower pace of summer and always miss my summer freedom to dive a little deeper into personal projects and passions. Speaking of which, I've been dropping a few sneak peeks of one of my summer interior design client's home on instagram and my facebook page and it has me excited to pop back home and see the progress and hopefully get everything coming together soon.

But for now, I am at school loving where I live & the incredible people I get to live with! I've been told my room feels like a vacation & that's exactly what I'm going for...a reminder of the beautiful rest & adventure that I want to incorporate into everyday whether I am in West Lafayette or Tonga :) Here's a little peek into my world...

That's all for today! And from me to you, seriously thank you for being here. I started this blog during my freshman year as a "college experiment," if I'm being totally honest. What I could not have known was the skills I would learn and the doors this would open, from providing opportunities for freelance design to giving me a platform to share bits and pieces of what God has been doing in my life through the good and the unexpected, especially this ongoing battle with chronic pain. And from that being spread beyond my tiny little corner of the internet it has been such an encouragement to see how God connects people across the street and across the globe to build each other up as we fight through the hard. Well I wasn't planning on going saying any of this, but it kind of just tumbled out and I figure you should all know how much your time (and comments, messages, etc) mean to me! While I don't know what "apartment 330" may look like after college, it's been a fun journey so far and I've got two years to figure that out so thanks for sticking with me :)

make yourself at home,


Psst...hey subscribers! I've made some changes to how I send notification emails so if you aren't getting notified, check your spam & junk folders and make sure to add me to your safelist senders :)

Not a subscriber?? You could be getting a cute email on the first of each month that makes you smile & helps you never miss a post...just saying! 🤷 If that's hitting your mood, click here (Promise I won't spam you! Time is money, so basically I owe you for any minute you spend deleting junk mail from me. But I'm a poor college student who can't afford to pay I'll just avoid sending junk. Deal?)

If you have made it to this point and are still reading, thank you for your commitment and my apologies for my fried brain taking you on strange rabbit trails like the one above. Drop me a smiley face in the comments if you still read when the letters turn gray...


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