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  • Writer's pictureOlivia F.

3 Fun Workouts to Try This Winter

Staying active in the warmer months tends to be natural as we want to be outdoors anyway. But as the cooler weather rolls around, pulling on gym clothes and working out indoors can be monotonous. Here are three fun workouts I've used to spice up my routine :)

1. Partner Yoga

Grab someone you're really comfortable with...a roommate, friend, or family member, and prepare to get in some really uncomfortable positions with them ;) I don't know if it's really fair to call the positions my sister and I like to attempt partner yoga, but it really is a fun challenge. You may have seen some Youtube videos where people try to recreate poses they find online, but that's basically what my partner yoga attempts have resembled thus far! At the core, this is a fun way to challenge your flexibility and strength as well as just have a good time making a bit of a fool of yourself. Find some images on Pinterest or follow along to a Youtube video and get posing!

And if trying yoga makes you want cute yoga clothes...well, I've been eyeing this combo.

2. Squash

A friend recently introduced me to squash, and it is a BLAST! As a tennis player, I miss my racquet in the winter, and don't get to too many indoor courts, so this is an awesome way for me to get a taste of swinging my racquet again. Squash is played on a racquetball court and the two sports are very similar. The biggest difference is going to be the actual racquet and the ball. The squash ball is smaller and moves a bit slower than a raquetball ball, so I imagine it's a bit easier to learn. I've actually never played racquetball myself, so I'm not sure on all the differences, but I definitely recommend finding your nearest court and trying it out! Side note: there is no better anger management than smacking a ball with a racquet. So satisfying.

If your court doesn't have rentals, here is a kit to get you started:

3. Rock Climbing

If you want an adrenaline rush that does not feel like a workout until you're done, go rock climbing. I hadn't been climbing in a really long time, so I was stoked when I found out Purdue had a rock wall in our recreation center. Guys, it's a workout! My forearms were burning like never before, but it wasn't until I was on the way down that I realized, "shoot, imma be sore tomorrow!" And I was. Isn't that the best, though? You do something super fun that you love, all while getting stronger and building endurance.

I hope one or all of these workouts inspire you that challenging your body can be fun! Working out comes in many different forms, and mixing it up is definitely necessary at times. Comment below and let me know how you stay active in the winter :)

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