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  • Writer's pictureOlivia F.

Tips for Designing a Rental

When I started this blog, I wanted to enter the niche of bringing interior design inspiration to college students and young adults in dorms, rental homes, or apartments. And a recent poll on instagram confirmed that 80% of my followers are renters. It's so easy to feel like we can't really customize our home or make a place our own until we are homeowners. I don't believe that to be true! Of course I dream of my future home on the daily and am bursting with ideas (it will be navy blue, with an abundance of hanging chairs...), but home can take on so many forms, so let's embrace whatever stage we're in.

Pst: If you're in the 20%, I'm so happy you're here! Please stick around...there's plenty for you too :) Through my freelance design I've been working on 3 homes in various stages that I hope will provide ideas and inspiration for your homes as well! Hopefully as we're all unquarantined & life returns to normal I can get back to work on those and take some pictures to share as everything pulls together.

That said, I haven't necessarily stuck to this niche as much as I expected to, so without further ado...

7 Tips for Designing a Rental

1. Don't fight the color scheme

Unless your rental allows painting the walls, don't fight the color scheme. I am a cool color kinda gal. Blues and greens have some kind of magnetic force on me and somehow that's just how it always turns out. I prefer white or gray neutrals over warmer brown tones to build upon, but when I came to Purdue the walls were tan and I had to commit. I don't care how cute that grey bedspread is, I promise it won't be cute next to your tan walls.

Of course some designers are all about mixing neutrals right now, even grays and browns. Word to the careful. If in doubt, get a second opinion or just go a different direction. And if you don't know who to ask, email me. Seriously. Pause right now, head to my about me page and shoot a question or picture in my direction. I love hearing from y'all!

Although tan isn't my go to, I chose to use lots of white to lighten up the room & create a clean base, wood tones to pull in the warmer browns/tans, and many colors & textures in my tasseled bedspread, pillows, and pictures. And I love it!

2. Invest in a few pieces you'll use later

It's really easy to pass up beautiful home pieces because we don't want to spend too much if we don't know what our future home will be like. But if you find something you really love, it's worth investing in a few pieces now. Sometimes you can't find it again. Plus, when you are decorating a home you'll be glad to have a few quality pieces already and not have such an investment all at once. So keep your eye out for pieces that speak to you, and don't be too scared to spring!

One piece I know I'll use later is this petal lane home magnetic picture board I was given as a graduation gift.

3. Consider creative solutions

A. Boring wall color? decals or peel & stick wallpaper

This is a great way to transform a wall without any permanent damage or going against the terms of your lease. I. am. OBSESSED. with anewall and urban walls. They have the best decals and wallpaper in fun patterns and murals. Seriously go check them won't be disappointed!

B. Not a fan of desk, table, or countertop? try contact paper

Faux marble. Who woulda thunk! When applied carefully this can be an inexpensive option that ends up looking great. It may not be the same as the real thing, but it can still give the vibe you want while you're renting. Just peel it off and stick it to your desk, table, or countertop and trim the edges carefully. I've seen some radical transformations!

C. Couch or furniture ugly? consider furniture covers, pillows, and blankets!

I know, I know I'm supposed to be giving you ideas you haven't thought of! Just a reminder that layering in pillows and blankets can distract from a piece that you don't love and make a big difference. But sometimes that's not enough, especially if your furniture is a bold pattern or clashing color. Another option is furniture covers, which may sound outdated, but I think manufacturers are stepping up their game. If you decide to go this route, make sure to read dimensions carefully! Fitted options tend to work better than one-size-fits-all but some people skip over dimensions and end up disappointed.

A couple I like:

This one has separate cushion covers...who would know it's a slipcover?!

Here is a less expensive option that still separates the cushions into their own cover.

4. Never underestimate the power of candles & plants

I'm just gonna say it. An apartment shouldn't smell like an apartment. Candles are great decor and they just make everything better. Pro tip: TJ Maxx has the cutest candles for the best prices. They smell AMAZING and are designed to look cute & add to your decor!

My sister knows it's dangerous when I enter that aisle because I don't leave until I've smelled every candle...oops! If you aren't allowed candles, reed diffusers or wax burners can provide great alternatives.

And a few living things never hurt anybody. Plants just make a space come alive, but maybe that's the boho in me talking! Regardless, plant and candles are an affordable option to add instant homeyness to any space.

5. Functionality matters! EVEN if it's not your forever home

A. Organization

On finals week of my freshman year of college one of my roomies and I reorganized the kitchen. When we moved in, all five of us threw our stuff in and called it good and seriously we didn't change it all year! It worked well enough. BUT hindsight is 20/20. One trip to Walmart and one hour of time made a HUGE difference and changed our efficiency in the kitchen. It's so simple and next time I move I won't procrastinate for a year!

B. Layout

The same goes for layout. It may seem like it's not that important since you won't be there forever. Or maybe the furniture was already there so you assume you should just let it be.

And let's be honest, it can be hard to see past the existing layout! If this is you, I would highly recommend measuring your space and doing a quick sketch of your floor plan. Then try penciling in your furniture in various arrangements. This gives you the flexibility to try new layouts without moving your couch 14 times. And it may help you see your space with fresh eyes!

One more option is to email me a picture or two. I'd love to brainstorm with you!

C. Storage

Rules of thumb:

Use the space above your kitchen cabinets for storage of vases, jars, or other items you don't use super often! If they're pretty, keep them on display and if not, a few baskets go a long way :)

-When in doubt, look up! Utilize vertical space for storage. Most of us have areas up high above furniture or appliances that would be perfect for storage if we just added a shelf and some baskets. One of my favorite tricks is to use the space above your kitchen cabinets for storage of vases, jars, or other items you don't use super often! If they're pretty, keep them on display and if not, a few baskets go a long way :) Speaking of which...

-Baskets are your best friend. They eliminate visual clutter and maintain a streamline appearance while storing all your junk. That's a win-win.

-Shelves/drawers/dividers make your space a million times more efficient. It's probably a no-brainer but any type of space organizer like this makes use of vertical space and allows for easier access to your items. Seems obvious, but how many of us have closets that feel like a game of Tetris? And it turns in to a game of Jenga when you pull one thing out! This simple fix eliminates the games.

6. Feeling boxed in? Create the Illusion of Space

Mirrors are a great way to make a small room feel more spacious. Other elements to be aware of are overwhelming patterns and color theory. Remember, warm colors advance, cool colors recede meaning warmer colors are more likely to feel like they're closing in on you while cool colors open a space up. This doesn't mean you should never use warm colors in a small space (they can actually make it cozy!), but it does mean you should be cognizant of your color choices, especially if you're feeling boxed in. Lowering the saturation could help. For example, a pastel pink should advance less than a bold red.

7. Have fun! It's the perfect opportunity to try something new

All that said, this isn't your forever home so feel free to experiment! Maybe your living with all girls for the only time in your life and want to try pink walls. Or a mint couch. Or a crazy peel and stick wallpaper. You might just find out you love it! And if not, at least you know for next time ;)

make yourself at home,


Thank you for those who gave feedback to my polls on Instagram! If you have any questions or topics you'd like to see covered, please drop me a comment or shoot me a message.

Oh! And don't forget, WEAR & DECLARE apparel dropped March 25th, so if you haven't seen it yet go take a peek...I think you're gonna love it!

If you enjoyed this, you might like 5 Ways To Make Your Dorm "Homey." Fun fact, this was the first design post I wrote!

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